Monday, September 29, 2014

De-Cluttering Your Living Space

Now that Autumn is upon us, the cooler air is rolling in and as the house slowly closes down for the approaching winter season, I feel more and more cluttered in our indoor "sanctuary".

I decided months ago that I would have to de-clutter.  But what I didn't realize at the time and soon discovered later was that trying to tackle "1 room at a time" was too overwhelming.  Finally, I figured out that instead, I would have to do a more manageable load if I wanted it to actually get BOX at a time.

As the kids take a nap (IF they take a nap), I have about an hour to sort through 1 box of stuff.  Usually it's a box of stuff we haven't accessed in a while, so I know there is stuff in there I can get rid of.

If you are going to get serious about de-cluttering, and take advantage of the situation and make a few $$ instead of just throwing things away, read the rest of this article on my other blog at the link attached.

Saving for Something - Selling Stuff You Dont Use

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