Monday, September 29, 2014

First Grade and Homework

Last year my daughter was in half-day Kindergarten.  Although she was average in math, she excelled in reading and was challenged quite a bit through homework.  We probably spent almost as much time working on homework each night as she did in school each day (2.5 hours).  It wasn't so bad at the time, because she had the rest of the day to work on it. 

This year, with her being in full-day 1st Grade, it seems to be much more of a struggle.  Although the year has just begun, and we haven't had too much homework yet, finding the time is not easy.  We can just forget about trying to accomplish anything in the morning...getting 3 kids to the bus-stop by 8:10am is challenging enough...I will not be adding homework to the mix, not to mention, thought would REALLY be waiting until the last minute to get it done.

In the afternoon, she gets off the bus around 3:45pm. She is WAY too full of energy to sit down and concentrate on homework.  Besides, being a kid means she should play outside after school while it's still light out before dinner.  She enjoys seeing her siblings and misses them after a long day.

We eat dinner between 5pm and 5:30pm.  Then around 6pm we start the homework.  We have a half-an-hour before we start the bedtime routine.  She is bright, but easily distrated, making the homework torture for all of us.

I think homework at this age is good to a degree, but we seem to get nightly assignments in addition to week-long assignments due at the end of the week.  Seems like alot, and since she is so young, it's not just homework for is for Mom and Dad, too.

I would love some feedback from all of you about how much homework your young child has and what time you get to it, and if you feel like it is overload or not.  Let's share opinions and ideas.  Thanks!

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