I always felt that it is the little things that count - which is good, because we can't spare the $$ for the "big" things. Sure, I would love to go away for the weekend, but it's not just a money issue, it's a time issue (one of the kids most likely has an activity planned, etc), and a babysitting issue (really, who wants to watch my 3 kids ages 6 and under for an entire weekend? - NO ONE). Those "big" things are great once in a while, but you can rekindle the relationship between the "big" things, by doing some little things.
Here are some inexpensive ways to show him (or her) you care:
Notes in His Lunchbox
Yes, we brown-bag it. Saves time and money, blah blah, blah. It also serves as a good way to surprise him. I do this with my daughter occasionally, too.

Make "Boring" Things Fun
My husband takes carrot sticks to lunch every day. Why not turn that "boring" snack into a meaningful gesture. While he wasn't home, I took the time to cut the carrots into heart shapes to surprise him.

You can also take a cookie cutter to indent the bread of his sandwich. I've never tried it, but it sounds like a good idea.
Happy Smiling Eggs
On the weekends, my husband likes to make a big breakfast, usually bacon and eggs. I decided to make it interesting by drawing goofy faces on the eggs with a marker. I know if I saw it, it would make me laugh. His laugh and smile are the things I love most.
Scavenger Hunt
This takes more planning, so I haven't done this one in a while. Put a sticky note on the front door so he can see it when he gets home. It should have a clue written on it to lead him to the next clue, etc. After about 12 clues I leave a "gift" for him - he has to find each clue to lead him there. It's fun and suspenseful, so make sure the gift is worth it...even though it could be as easy as a "coupon" for an after-the-kids-go-to-bed activity, a batch of his favorite homemade cookies, or a 6-pk of his favorite beer, or anything else you can think of that he would enjoy. Just remember to hide the notes where the kids won't find them before he does.
OK, he doesn't like this as much as I like doing it. Every anniversary I aim to buy balloons - one for each year we have been married - and go to his work and tie them to the rear-view mirror. I keep the strings long enough so people can see them from across the parking lot. Then they wish him happy anniversary (or happy birthday, etc) and he knows I took the time out of my day to surprise him. Bonus: Then he brings the balloons home for the kids to enjoy.
Put it in Writing
While playing "sidewalk chalk" with the kids, sometimes we write a message to Daddy and draw hearts so he can see them when he comes home.

Another cute idea he actually did to me, was sneak in the bathroom while I was showering (and fogging up the mirror) and drew a big heart of the mirror with his finger. When I came out the shower, I saw it right away, and since I didn't wash the mirror immediately, it was still there next time I showered. So sweet.

Just Plain Say It
Feel like you don't say it enough? Script some well thought out words about why you love him and just tell him. Accompany it with a long wet kiss (instead of the usual peck) and it will brighten his mood for sure.
Here are a few other cute ideas I found online that speak for themselves...

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